Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bobby Summer Movie Round-Up: "Prometheus"


What is it about?

A space exploration team is sent to a distant galaxy to figure out the origin of life on Earth.

How are the top performances?

NOOMI RAPACE as Elizabeth Shaw

As someone who is unknown to me since I never saw the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (I actually never saw the American version either. The first chapter of the first book didn't do it for me and killed any and all interest.), Noomi Rapace does a reasonably good job of anchoring this. She's not going down as a memorable ass-kicking heroine like Sigourney Weaver in Alien, but she doesn't get in the way either.

MICHAEL FASSBENDER as David the Android

Since I'm an unapologetic Quentin Tarantino homer, I have to point out that this was his other remarkable discovery from Inglourious Basterds after Christoph Waltz. Fassbender hits all the right notes as the Android, just as he did as a young Magneto in X-Men: First Class last year. He's shown he can do real drama and big-budget character acting. The future has to be bright for this guy.

What's any good about it?

It's suitably eerie and full of wonder, as one would expect from a head writer on Lost.

The movie goes at a reasonably fast pace and never let's up. There's ton to dislike about it if you wanted to, but you are never bored, and that is a huge accomplishment.

"I don't understand." "I guess that's what makes you a robot, and me a human being."


Anybody who loves Alien will completely geek-out at the final shot.

Do you have any complaints, you whiny bitch who complains about everything?

As with a writer from Lost, you also have a bunch of loose-ends that may or may not ever be tied up. There's no guarantee of a sequel.

The movie kind of feels like an Alien prequel which WANTS you to think of it as a deeper, more meaningful film. It's basically, in the end, a standard monster thriller dressed up as an introspective look on creation.

Best Scene

Self-surgery. Suitably gory, terrifying and awesome.

Final Thoughts

Those looking for a fun thrill-ride for the summer should be relatively happy. It isn't particularly great, and I had to struggle from my memory to write this review a month later, but it's fun for what it is and breezes by.

And in the summer, that's pretty much what you want.

Bobby Grade: B

Great Quote

"They need you now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out. Like the Leper. You see, their morals, their code? It's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these "civilized" people...they'll eat each other."
--- The Joker (Heath Ledger), The Dark Knight

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