Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bobby Book Review: "Obama Zombies: How The Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation"

Obama Zombies: How The Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation
by Jason Mattera

What is it about?

Jason Mattera chronicles the propaganda and general ignorance of young people aged 18-30 (myself included) who were hoodwinked into voting Barack Obama as our President.

Who is the author?

Jason Mattera is 28 years old and somewhat famous for creating the first-ever "Whites Only Scholarship".

Being a Puerto Rican undergrad who was offered several spanish scholarships, he found it to be unfair and racist. Out of principle he created a $50 "Whites Only Scholarship" which he would 
present to whoever could write the best short essay about the hardships they face by being white.

The winner turned out to be a half-white, half-asian kid who wrote about how the Asian side of his family would make fun of his poor work ethic that he got from his "white" side.

Mattera was challenged by the school board for allegedly created a "racist" scholarship, but won the battle among the student council by rightfully claiming that a White Scholarship is no more racist than a black or spanish scholarship.

In other words, Jason Mattera is awesome.

What's any good about it?

Jason Mattera gets into how the democrats used social media and Hollywood to bulldoze the public into believing that a "change" would occur with Obama as President. While rightfully acknowledging that "Grandpa McCain" was an awful candidate to begin with, he maintains that the moronic left wing celebrities and an assault from Youtube brainwashed us all.

Hey, it worked on me too. At least my eyes are open now.

Mattera is at his best when hilariously pointing out the ignorant behavior of college kids and celebrities.

He presents examples such as an interviewed student telling "hard-hitting journalist Sway from MTV" that the Democratic primary is very difficult because "On one hand, Obama is black, and on the other hand Hillary is a woman, so my choice can go either way."

Mattera asks "How about voting for, oh I don't know, who's policies could help the country?"

When another student mentions Obama cool "swagger" and likable demeanor, Mattera rightfully notes "You are electing the President of the United States, if you want cool swagger, go vote for Will Smith."

Also hilarious is when he notes a liberal pro-Obama commercial where celebrities say banal things like "I pledge to be a great father" while Jason notes "So you wouldn't be a great father if McCain was elected?"

Then noting one of the members of Red Hot Chili Peppers saying "I pledge allegiance to the funk. To the United Funk of Funkadelica.", Mattera writes "Not gonna lie, I have no clue what this means."

Also gems are referring to Michelle "I'm not proud of my country" Obama, and ridiculing the idea that Obama once pledged to "talk" to the fucking nutjob in Iran who would turn Israel and the United States into holes in the ground if they could ever get a hand on a nuclear weapon. He says (paraphrasing) "Apparently to Obama, when Ahmadinejad says he wishes to destroy the United States, he doesn't mean that he wishes to destroy the United States."

Another great moment is when he talks about liberals who hate "Trickle Down Economics" and say it doesn't work. Mattera notes, "What do you want then? Trickle Up Ecnomics? Who do you think will provide jobs? Go up to your local panhandler on the street and ask him to create a job, see how far that gets you."

Overall, a very light, fun read that will make you laugh and anger you to no end, no matter which side of politics you fall on.

Do you have any complaints, you whiny bitch who complains about everything?

Not particularly. Sometimes I feel it's a bit redundant, hammering the point home over and over. But still overall very enjoyable.

Best Quote?

"Want to piss off a liberal REALLY badly? Then work hard and make a ton of money."

Final Thoughts

Definitely a bucket of cold water to throw on the blind Obama worshippers.

I don't hate Obama. I'm not one of those douchebags who is convinced he's an evil Muslim trying to destroy the country from the inside. I just think he's a socialist and goes against tons of classic American values. I think he hates the rich and his taxes will destroy job opportunities. I hate when he talks about the rich not paying their "fair share", when they pay more in taxes in a year than most do in a lifetime.

But he did kill bin Laden and surprisingly I'm very happy with how he handled terrorism.

Overall, this is a very entertaining look back on when we all were turned into zombies and elected Will Smith as our next President.

Bobby Grade: B+

Great Quote

"The liberals were pissed when Obama didn't close Guantanamo Bay like he promised. You wanna know why he didn't close it? Because you can say whatever bullshit you want to get elected, but you know what they do the first day you become President? First, they take you into a room and they allow you to give a titty twister to the alien corpse from Roswell. Then, they take you into another room and pull out the "Here's How Fucked Up Things Really Are"binder. And you look at it and say 'Oh shit, we can't close Guantanamo! There's dangerous, fucked up people in there'!"

---Dennis Miller

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